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What are the differences between mackerel and mackerel

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What are the differences between mackerel and mackerel


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  • 2024-05-25 08:00:00

    With the rapid development trend of social development, the living standards of most people have been improved, so the provisions on diet have also become higher, especially for seafood. Swallow mackerel and mackerel mackerel are all sea fresh water fish, and their body shapes are very similar. Therefore, we must pay close attention when shopping for them, The functions of Spanish mackerel and Spanish mackerel are different, so what's the difference between Spanish mackerel and Spanish mackerel?

    First, what is the difference between mackerel and mackerel? In fact, popularly speaking, although mackerel and mackerel are very similar, we only think that they are cousins of the same ancestor. That is because they are different in some aspects. The common point of mackerel and Spanish mackerel is that their body structure, shape, living habits, and geographical distribution are very similar, especially their living habits are basically the same, and their daily living places are basically the same. In addition, the economic values of the two are basically the same, both belong to economically practical freshwater fish, They are all target fishes basically salvaged in the deep sea.

    Second, the blood of mackerel is very toxic and has side effects. Many people will have allergic symptoms after eating it. Therefore, when taking this kind of fish, its viscera and blood must be removed before safe use. Both mackerel and Spanish mackerel have very good nutritional ingredients and functions. Nowadays, many countries and regions in the world have the habit of using mackerel and Spanish mackerel.

    What is the difference between Spanish mackerel and mackerel? Mackerel and Spanish mackerel belong to marine freshwater fish. The body shape is basically similar, so it is often mistaken for the same kind of fish, collectively called mackerel and mackerel. The key differences between the two are as follows: from the height of the body, the mackerel is tall and flat round; Spanish mackerel has a long body in a circular shape. Identification from dorsal fin: the distance between the two dorsal fins of mackerel is far; Two dorsal fins of Spanish mackerel are close together. From the caudal fin, mackerel has 5 small fat fins on both sides of its caudal fin; Spanish mackerel has 8-9 small fat fins on both sides of its tail. Identification from the color tone: the back of the mackerel is dark black, with irregular dark blue patterns, and the belly is light yellow; The Spanish mackerel's bones are dark blue, and there are many gray black circular black spots. The internal oblique muscles are dark gray, and the abdomen is gray white.


    2024-05-25 08:00:00

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