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How to make canned peaches

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How to make canned peaches


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  • 2024-05-24 19:01:45

    In daily life, many people prefer summer. Because there are many fresh fruits on sale in summer, peach is a perfect kind of fresh fruit in summer. Peach is sweet and juicy, with delicate flesh, rich and colorful taste and high nutrition points. Eating peach has many benefits to human body, For example, honey peaches can reduce temperature, relieve summer heat and stimulate saliva and quench thirst. Besides eating immediately, honey peaches can also be canned.

    Food: peach

    Manufacturing process:

    Prepare 2 fresh honey peaches in advance, peel them, then cut them into diced peaches, and remove the peach stones. Boil a pot of water. After the water boils, add some old rock sugar. After the old rock sugar melts, put the diced peaches into the boiling water. A small half bowl of diced peaches is usually enough with a teaspoon of old rock sugar. Add diced peaches, boil the water again, and then cook for 5 minutes. Depending on my hobby, the longer you cook, the softer the peach meat will be. Add lemon flavored fruit to color the peach. Taste. After refrigeration, put it into the refrigerator for ice drinks, which have a stronger taste.

    Efficacy and function of honey peach

    Juicy peaches also have a great effect. Moderate consumption of peaches can cure dry cough, hemoptysis, diffuse fever, night sweat and other symptoms such as diffuse bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, atelectasis, silicosis, tuberculosis, etc. It can have the health care effect of nourishing yin and fluid, supplementing qi and blood, moistening lung and stopping cough.

    1. Peach has the effect of nourishing blood, yin and fluid. It can be used for those who suffer from serious diseases, suffer from deficiency of both qi and blood, have dark yellow complexion, and are short of breath;

    2. Peach kernels have the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting digestion, and can be used for auxiliary treatment of amenorrhea, traumatic injuries, etc;

    3. Peach kernel extract has anticoagulant effect, and can suppress the cough nerve center to stop coughing and dissipate phlegm. In addition, it can reduce blood pressure, which can be used as an auxiliary treatment for patients with hypertension;

    4. Peach has high copper content, high potassium content and low sodium content. It is suitable for people with iron deficiency anemia and also suitable for patients with edema.

    Taboos on taking honey peaches

    1. People who are prone to boils due to excessive internal fire should not eat more.

    2. It is better not to feed honey peaches to infants. Because honey peaches contain a lot of macromolecular substances, infants have poor gastrointestinal analysis ability, and cannot digest and absorb this substance, which is very likely to lead to allergic symptoms.

    3. It is not suitable for patients with multiple diseases and deficiency of qi and blood and those with weak intestines and stomach, because it will increase the pressure of gastrointestinal tract.

    4. People who eat peaches can cause skin allergy should avoid eating peaches.

    5. You can't eat the unripe peaches, or you will have abdominal distention or boils and carbuncles.

    6. Even perfect peaches should not be eaten too much. Too much will make life hot and easy to get angry.

    7. Do not take rotten peaches.

    8. Honey peaches should not be eaten with wild turtles.

    9. People with diabetes and high blood sugar should eat fewer peaches.


    2024-05-24 19:01:45

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