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How to make Orleans chicken breast

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How to make Orleans chicken breast


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  • 2024-05-25 09:01:46

    Orleans marinade is a very good condiment. We often eat delicious Orleans roast chicken, Orleans grilled wings, etc. in our daily life. In fact, the chicken breast can also be pickled with Orleans condiments. Many people love the delicious flavor of the chicken breast. If you want to do it yourself, you can master the practice of the chicken breast in Orleans. Let's have a look below.

    raw material

    2 pieces of chicken breast meat

    New Orleans Roasted Wing Seasoning 1 bag

    Little oil

    How to make chicken breast meat of Lonely Cheshen

    1. Prepare chicken breast and New Orleans roasted wing seasoning

    2. Thaw the chicken breast, remove the oil tendon from the chicken breast, and slice it crosswise

    3. Put the New Orleans roasted wing condiment into a basin and add a small amount of water diluent

    4. Put the chicken breast into the seasoning bag and marinate it for 30 minutes (I add more water)

    5. Heat the pan, put a small amount of oil into it and boil it, turn it to mild fire

    6. Put the chicken breast into the pot piece by piece

    7. Pan fry until slightly yellow and turn over

    8. Then it turned to fire and fried to double burnt

    9. Dry oil control bulk basin

    Chicken breast meat

    The chicken breast is the two bigger pieces of meat on the chicken. Common chicken breast meat, chicken breast meat is the meat inside the chest, like headdress, chest meat. The meat is fresh, delicious and nutritious, which can nourish health.

    Chicken breast meat has a high protein content and is easy to be digested and absorbed by the body. It has the effect of improving energy and strengthening the human body. It contains unsaturated fatty acids that have a key effect on body development. It is one of the key sources of human fat and unsaturated fatty acids in our Chinese diet.

    Nutritional composition

    Chicken breast meat has a high protein content and is easy to be digested and absorbed by the body. It contains unsaturated fatty acids that have a key effect on the body. It is one of the key sources of unsaturated fatty acids in our Chinese diet. Chicken breast meat has the functions of warming blood, tonifying deficiency and essence, strengthening spleen and stomach, activating blood vessels, strengthening tendons and bones. The fat rate is 3%, and the protein content is 20%. It is suitable for weight loss, fat reduction and muscle enhancement.


    2024-05-25 09:01:46

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