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Seven day quick salted duck eggs

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Seven day quick salted duck eggs


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  • 2024-05-24 19:01:45

    Salted duck eggs have a long history in China, and have been loved by everyone since ancient times. Salted duck eggs are made of fresh duck eggs. Different regions have different practices, some use salt water, some use river sand, some use flour paste, and even pure grain wine. The taste is more diverse. Apart from ordinary salted duck eggs, It can also be used to make sweet salted duck eggs. How to marinate duck eggs quickly in seven days?

    Simple pickling method of salted duck eggs

    Raw materials: a box of clean duck eggs, a bowl of pure grain wine, a bowl of salt, a roll of fresh-keeping bags.

    Method: Take one duck egg and put it into the pure grain wine bowl, roll it in the salt bowl for a circle, then wrap it in a fresh-keeping bag and put it back into the duck egg box. The same method is used for other duck eggs. Then, open the duck egg box on the cover plate after a day of exposure to the sun, so that it is easier to emit oil. Then place it in a naturally ventilated and cool place for 25 to 30 days, and the salted duck eggs with oil will be cured.

    Seven day quick pickling method of salted duck eggs

    We usually wait for more than ten days to one month for salted duck eggs. Here's a detailed introduction to the way we can eat our own salted duck eggs in one week:

    1. Pure grain wine soaked in cold water for 5 minutes

    Although the salted duck eggs purchased in the sales market look clean, there are still bacteria in the invisible holes, and the salted duck eggs are soaked in cold water with pure grain wine for 5 minutes.

    2. Clean up duck eggs

    Cleaning after soaking can not only remove the dirt on the surface of duck eggs, but also remove the bacteria hidden in the egg pores easily.

    3. Dry duck egg surface

    After cleaning the duck eggs, in addition to wiping the water on the surface of the dried duck eggs with toilet paper, the killer hair dryer can also be used to dry the duck eggs. Keeping the dry surface of duck eggs can reasonably avoid the mildew of duck eggs during the whole curing process.

    4. Soak in pure grain wine

    Soak the cleaned and dried salted duck eggs in high concentration liquor without water for 26-30 minutes, which can not only disinfect and sterilize the duck eggs again, but also speed up the coagulation of the egg white, so that the yolk can quickly release oil.

    5. Salt duck eggs

    A plate of salt shall be prepared in advance in the space between the ethanol soaked duck eggs. After the duck eggs are soaked, they shall be taken down and immediately turned over in the salt plate without wiping, so that the duck eggs are evenly stained with salt around.

    6. Salt duck eggs twice

    What if duck eggs can't be dipped in a certain amount of salt? Wrap the duck eggs with a paper towel, dip them in pure grain wine, and then turn them over in the salt pan to add salt again, so that the duck eggs can taste quickly and evenly.

    7. Put fresh-keeping bags on duck eggs and expose them to the sun for 1 day

    Wrap the salted duck eggs with a layer of fresh-keeping bag and expose them to the sun for one day. Depending on the temperature of the sun, the protein in the duck eggs can also be coagulated, so that the body fat in the egg yolk can be turned into salt free butter and discharged, which can ensure that the salted duck eggs can be pickled quickly in seven days.

    8. Pickle for 7 days

    Put the salted duck eggs that have been exposed to the sun into an airtight packaging bag, and put the packaging bag in a shady and cool place for 7 days, then the salted duck eggs will be pickled.

    Attention: dry salted duck eggs with electric hair dryer and soak salted duck eggs with pure white wine of high concentration and coated toilet paper dipped in salt to make them more symmetrical. Wrapping fresh bags to expose salted duck eggs is beneficial to the oil production of egg yolks. This process should be well done.

    Other pickling methods of salted duck eggs

    1. Water immersion method

    Take 50 salted duck eggs, clean them, blow dry them and put them into the jar. In a pot of cold water, add 1 jin and a half of salt, then put in a small amount of pepper or star anise, boil it, pour it into the pot after refrigeration, and the river just engulfs the duck eggs. After 20 days of storage, salted duck eggs will be pickled.

    2. Bittern method

    Clean the duck eggs and soak them in a pickle jar with saturated salt water for 35~40 days, then the salted duck eggs will be cured.

    3. Mud wrapping method

    50 duck eggs, 850 grams of salt, 25 grams of green tea, 75 grams of rice wine, and appropriate loess layer and water. Wash the duck eggs, dry them in the sun, then put salt and tea leaves into water, boil them into slurry (250g), then add rice wine, pour it into the loess layer, mix it with synthetic mud, then evenly wrap the duck egg shells, put them into the jar for sealing, and it will be ready after one month.

    What kind of salted duck eggs means they are well preserved

    The body fat of raw duck egg yolk is fused with the protein, and no vegetable oil can be seen. After being pickled for a period of time, the protein dehydrates due to the salt, slowly coagulates, and is separated from the body fat. The body fat gathers together, and the body fat emits oil. The egg yolk contains bright red ovoflavin and carotene, which can dissolve the body fat oil. Therefore, The oil in the yolk of salted duck eggs shows a bright red color, and the oily salted duck eggs are also a sign that salted duck eggs are well preserved.

    Key points of salted duck eggs

    To ensure that salted duck eggs are salted and oily, the key is to dehydrate the yolk of salted duck eggs. The protein in the yolk of salted duck eggs is coagulated and separated from human fat. The whole process of pickling needs to ensure the following aspects:

    1. Soaking in high concentration liquor

    After cleaning duck eggs and before putting them into salt water, they can be soaked in pure white wine with high concentration for 20 minutes. Because ethanol can accelerate the coagulation of protein, it can separate protein from human body fat during the whole pickling process, and then emit oil.

    2. Dip duck eggs with salt repeatedly

    Dip alcohol soaked duck eggs in salt and wrap them with a layer of handkerchief paper. Dip alcohol wet and then dip again in salt. A large amount of salt can quickly taste, making salted duck egg yolks dehydrate more severely, accelerating the separation of human body fat and gathering into oil.

    3. Wrap duck eggs in fresh bags and expose them to the sun

    After the duck eggs are dipped with salt, wrapping the duck eggs in a fresh-keeping bag and exposing them to the sun for a day can also speed up the protein coagulation, squeeze the vegetable oil, and make the density of the oil after the salted duck eggs are successfully pickled higher.

    Compared with fresh duck eggs, why is there so much oil in the yolk of salty duck eggs?

    First of all, even fresh duck eggs contain 14% - 16% vegetable oil, which is relative to all duck eggs. If protein is removed and only human fat is included in egg yolk, then the composition of human fat in egg yolk is about 31% - 36%, which means that one-third of an egg yolk is human fat.

    When we blanch duck eggs with water, they also contain protein. Protein is a very good demulsifier, which can divide the human fat in the egg yolk into tiny droplets, so that people's eyes can not distinguish them. Salt duck eggs have to go through salt water immersion, and after the salt scares the duck eggs, it will produce protein denaturation reaction with the protein, making the protein hydrolyze and coagulate, After the protein of the functional demulsifier is reflected, the small liquid droplets inside the capsule will aggregate and become the vegetable oil visible to human eyes in duck egg yolk


    2024-05-24 19:01:45

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