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Is it harmful to wipe the first year or more with oriental arborvitae leaves soaked in wine?

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Is it harmful to wipe the first year or more with oriental arborvitae leaves soaked in wine?


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  • 2024-05-25 08:00:00

    Hair loss and white hair generally occur in the elderly, but nowadays many young people have hair loss and white hair at a young age due to poor diet or human influence. After such a situation occurs, it will have a very big impact on daily life and work, Some people use some small folk remedies to alleviate this kind of situation. They use oriental arborvitae leaves and wine to wipe their heads for more than a year. Is there any harm?

    Naturally, there are injuries. All kinds of Chinese medicinal materials have side effects and side effects. The same is true for rubbing the head with platycladus orientalis leaf wine. There are different levels of platycladene and platycladone in the platycladus orientalis leaves, which will cause damage to the human system. Excessive use of platycladus orientalis leaf wine rubbing the head will cause toxic side effects, such as dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain and poor breathing.

    It is better for white hair and hair loss to wipe the head with wine. Because the Platycladus orientalis leaves belong to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, use fresh Platycladus leaves to soak in 60% ethanol for seven days, and then take off the liquid to wipe. However, the Platycladus orientalis leaves can also cause side effects and side effects. If too much is used, it may harm the human system.

    Platycladus orientalis leaves belong to traditional Chinese medicine, slightly cold, and entering the liver channel. Because the hair is not very good, it is related to the blood circulation system. It can disperse blood and black hair, dispel wind and dampness, and is very helpful for hemorrhagic disease due to blood fever and alopecia. Many Chinese medicine societies strongly recommend the use of Platycladus orientalis leaves to treat alopecia areata. At present, there are many products on the market that can prevent hair loss. The addition of Platycladus orientalis leaves shows that it is beneficial to wipe the head with the leaves of Platycladus orientalis.

    The fresh Platycladus orientalis leaves were soaked in 60% ethanol. After seven days, the liquid was taken off to wipe the hair where it fell off. It was necessary to rub it three times a day, and master the growth and development of the hair according to the conditions of the forehead, upper head and back brain. Generally, you can see the growth and development of hair after treatment, and persistent application will make hair more and more dense.

    Platycladus orientalis leaf is one of the traditional Chinese herbal medicines. It is not only good for the treatment of white hair and hair loss, but also can be selected according to different conditions. It has therapeutic effects on wind heat, cough, etc., and can also maintain the central nervous system of the body. Clinical medical application is relatively common. Don't stay up late during the whole process of wiping your head with Platycladus orientalis leaf wine. Make sure that your diet is periodic and try not to eat greasy and spicy food ingredients.


    2024-05-25 08:00:00

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