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Is the engine speed of Xinrui normal at 1000 in winter

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Is the engine speed of Xinrui normal at 1000 in winter


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  • 2023-11-02 03:00:11

    The engine speed of Xinrui is normal at 1000 in winter. It is a normal phenomenon that the idle speed of the car is about 1000 rpm in winter. The idle speed of the car will be slightly higher during cold start, because the engine combustion is not sufficient during cold start. In order to ensure that the engine can be started at one time, the engine computer will automatically increase the idle speed, so that the engine idle speed will be more stable without stalling, so this is a relatively normal phenomenon.

    Is the engine speed of Xinrui normal at 1000 in winter

    Normal range

    In winter, the idling speed of 1000 rpm is within the normal range. Under different conditions, the idling speed range is different. Because the temperature is low in winter, especially after the car is left overnight, the temperature of the car will be lower. Therefore, if you want to make the engine work normally as soon as possible, you need to burn more gasoline than the normal idle speed when starting up, and reach a certain speed to raise the temperature of the engine as soon as possible. When the engine temperature of the car rises, the idle speed will decrease and return to the normal range.

    Is the engine speed of Xinrui normal at 1000 in winter

    Because the outside temperature is low in winter, the cold start in the morning will make the engine and transmission systems reach a good working condition, the speed will be relatively high, which is a normal phenomenon. When the water temperature reaches a certain temperature, the oil and transmission oil reach a normal working temperature, then the speed will go into a normal range, About 700 to 800 revolutions (800 revolutions plus or minus 59 revolutions).

    (According to the regional temperature), if there is no speed drop after one to three minutes of hot car (generally 30-50 seconds of hot car is suitable for complete lubrication start), it is recommended to go to the Skoda maintenance station authorized by the main engine factory to check the quality of the oil used, the gasoline grade and quality, and the carbon deposition at the throttle nozzle, so that the master can thoroughly check it, The specific reason shall be thoroughly judged and checked when the fault occurs.

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