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Practice of snake skin cucumber

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Practice of snake skin cucumber


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  • 2024-05-24 15:02:33

    We may have known about loofah for a long time. However, loofah has become a common food for many people. But when it comes to python skin cucumber, most people may not know how to make it. Snake skin cucumber is a dish with very high nutrition, so how to make it? Next, we will follow our article to actually understand.


    1. When buying loofah, it is easy to cut it as "pick the straighter". Clean and cut both sides. Hold the towel gourd with two wooden chopsticks and "cut it vertically. Cut it as thin as possible". It can be pulled longer.

    2. Try to use the thick end of the chopsticks to hold and cut "small eager to finish a whole piece", "cutting is 2/3 cut", and 1/3 is connected together.

    3. Turn the towel gourd 180 degrees and hold it with chopsticks.

    4. 45 degree "trimming, as shown in the figure. Cut a whole piece.

    5. After cutting, "put out the shape design. Be careful to lengthen slightly", and try not to break it.

    6. Pour garlic cloves into garlic powder. Garlic needs air oxidation for ten minutes to prevent cancer. "So we can pound the garlic well before cutting the cucumber.

    7. Garlic powder, sweet potato powder, vinegar, sugar, salt and sesame oil are mixed into garlic juice. Those who like to eat chili can add a little spicy oil.

    8. Pour garlic juice onto towel gourd


    1. Wind dispelling and shock relieving: snake slough is sweet and salty, and it mainly enters the liver channel. The Record of Famous Doctors says: "The main thing is to make the tongue swing, and the five evil words of adults become more secluded." Therefore, this product has the effect of dispelling wind and calming shock. It is commonly used to treat children with epilepsy.

    2. Retreat the clouds and clear the eyes: The Record of Famous Doctors says that snake slough, "clear the eyes". According to the Medicine Therapy, "remove the mask of pannus" and the Compendium of Materia Medica, "remove the mask of pannus". The taste is sweet and salty, and it enters the liver meridian, so it can clear the eyes. For the ocular cataract caused by deficiency of kidney essence, yin deficiency, damp heat or liver meridian wind, cold wind and heat, the symptoms are that there is no abnormality in the appearance of single eye or eye pupil, and there is annular milky white cataract in the pupil. This product can be used to clear the eyes.

    3. Detoxification and detumescence: The snake slough is sweet and salty, sweet and can detoxify, salty can dissolve into knots, and it can enter the liver and spleen meridians and then enter the blood, so it can detoxify and detumescence. For example, the Compendium of Materia Medica says: "eliminate wooden tongue, apply heavy tongue and palate to children, tighten lips, relieve cranium, face sores, lunar erosion, blister sores, adult boils, and leak sores."

    4. Insect removal and ringworm treatment: According to the Medical Forest Compilation, snake slough: "detoxification of heat and rheumatism". Compendium of Materia Medica: "Boil soup to wash all evil insect wounds." The Classic of Materia Medica: "Good at removing insects.". The Qianjin Prescription uses this product to treat ringworm and sore. Therefore, the snake slough has the effect of removing insects and treating ringworm. It can be used to treat various insect bites, ringworm sores, and scratching insects. Oral and external application is acceptable.

    5. Discrimination and application: Snake slough and Zaocys dhumnades can both dispel wind and calm shock. But snake slough is good at treating children with epilepsy and epilepsy. Zaocys dhumnades is good at treating rheumatic arthralgia. And the snake slough can clear the eyes and fade the clouds; Zaocys dhumnades can attack poison and stop convulsions.

    After reading the above content, you may have already had a general understanding of the practice of python skin cucumber. This nutrient rich dish can supplement a variety of nutrients needed by the body. In addition, python skin also has the effect of beauty care. Women who want to be beautiful can also try to make this common dish!


    2024-05-24 15:02:33

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