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What are the reasons for the fire of new energy vehicles

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What are the reasons for the fire of new energy vehicles


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  • 2024-05-22 16:01:49

    Some time ago, a Tesla spontaneous combustion incident in Shanghai once again brought the safety issue of new energy vehicle fires back into view. In recent years, new energy vehicle fires have not been rare, but can be said to have been continuous. What are the reasons for the fire of new energy vehicles?

    The main reason for the fire of new energy vehicles is the battery of the vehicle. Because the battery is impacted, squeezed, overcharged and other factors, it may cause fire. In case of spontaneous combustion of the vehicle, the owner should not panic, and should immediately drive the vehicle to a deserted or open place, then turn off the power supply and leave the vehicle. If it is a small fire, the fire extinguisher on the vehicle should be used quickly to extinguish the fire, because the fire usually starts from a small fire. If the fire is extinguished in time, the loss can be reduced. However, if the fire is already big when it is found, do not fully open the engine compartment cover at this time to avoid air convection exacerbating the fire and keep away from the vehicle, and then call 119 immediately to wait for rescue.


    2024-05-22 16:01:49

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