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Latest developments of Zhang Dayi and Jiang Fan (current situation of Zhang Dayi, Jiang Fan's wife)

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Latest developments of Zhang Dayi and Jiang Fan (current situation of Zhang Dayi, Jiang Fan's wife)


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  • 2024-05-28 18:02:16

    Some time ago, many people believed that the melon "Fu Tai tore Zhang Dayi" was delicious, but many people felt sorry for the disappearance of the original match after it was torn. Unexpectedly, after a month, the original match finally appeared again.

    On May 27, Jiang Fan's wife sent a video recording her daily life in detail from early morning, which seemed leisurely and comfortable.

    She was dressed in white and her hair was loose at will. The first thing she did when she got up was to go into the hydrangeas in the courtyard, listen to the birds' chirping, and insert a bunch of flowers for herself.

    After breakfast, make a cup of coffee, tease your dog, read in the yard, and life looks very exquisite and tasteful, which is very suitable for his rich wife.

    In addition, she also exposed the clips of her daughter's playing. The whole video revealed a strong sense of happiness. It seemed that she did not fall into shadow because of the junior high incident.

    After watching the video updated by Jiang Fan's wife, many netizens praised her for her beauty and temperament, and even said that she was 100 million times better looking than Zhang Dayi, which shows how far the gap between them is.

    However, many netizens found that in this video, Jiang Fan's wife actually wore three rings, one for the right index finger, one for the left ring finger, and one for the little finger, but the wedding ring was not in her hand.

    This is reminiscent of Zhang Dayi's blog post a few days ago, where he accidentally exposed the ring on his ring finger when exposing his life photos. In the video uploaded the next day, the assistant accidentally said that he was "pregnant", and it seemed that the two people were fighting in the dark.

    After all, Jiang Fan's wife seldom wore anything on her hands in the previous video, let alone drying her daughter. This time, after a long time, she updated the video again, not only with three rings, but also with the child, which made her feel like declaring war.

    However, Zhang Dayi denied that she had been photographed after she was pregnant, and she was dissatisfied with the original match for a long time.

    The two women on this side are fighting in secret. Jiang Fan, the other party, seems not to have been affected too much. After the previous minor disturbance, Ali immediately investigated and announced the results, which showed that there was no benefit transfer between Jiang Fan and Zhang Dayi. However, because Jiang Fan's private affairs affected the company, Ali announced that Jiang Fan had been cancelled as a partner of Ali, and was also demerited and demoted, And cancelled all the rewards of the previous quarter.

    Despite this, Ali still seems to value Jiang Fan. In Ma Yun's related activities, he also mentioned Jiang Fan and appeared in the group photo. It seems that although he was demoted, he is still a core member of the company.

    However, the cancellation of the punishment of partner means that Jiang Fan is difficult to become a successor again. Before the minor scandal was exposed, Jiang Fan had always been very promising, promising and talented. However, he was directly kicked out of his relationship with Zhang Dayi by his original partner, which led to a rapid decline in public praise and the loss of his promising prospects to his private life.

    Especially after the original match warned Zhang Dayi and made numerous demotions, Jiang Fan still did not deny the relationship with Zhang Dayi, while Zhang Dayi was accused of being a junior and did not deny it. On the contrary, it was the last news every three days that she was pregnant and denied it. It seems that the three parties still have no decision on this matter.

    It also reminds people of Hong Kong tycoon Xi Mihua, who wandered freely between his mistress and his original mate. Although the original mate divorced at the beginning, Xi Mihua was determined not to divorce. He was both flattering and pursuing again, but at the same time, he did not give up the love of his mistress and gave birth to children, which is surprising.

    It can only be said that at present, Jiang Fan's wife has no intention of continuing to tear it. She looks like she has been doing well for many years. However, Zhang Dayi's actions have been incessant, and after a lot of trouble, she is very enthusiastic. I wonder how Jiang Fan will appease these two women?

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