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Can pregnant women drink Momordica grosvenorii tea? The authoritative answer is like this!

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Can pregnant women drink Momordica grosvenorii tea? The authoritative answer is like this!


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  • 2024-05-24 15:02:51

    Siraitia grosvenorii is also called fairy fruit. In Guangxi Province of China, this kind of fresh fruit is very common, and its nutrient content is very high, such as rich and colorful vitamin C, protein, glucose, and so on. This kind of fresh fruit also has very common effects, such as promoting saliva, relieving thirst, relieving cough, resolving phlegm, and promoting longevity. So can pregnant women eat Siraitia grosvenorii?

    1、 Can pregnant women eat siraitia grosvenorii

    Yes, siraitia grosvenorii is mainly composed of triterpenoids and glycosides, with rich and colorful vitamins, sugar content and minerals. After three months, it is mainly the growth and development of human organs of the fetus and baby. It is possible to eat some siraitia grosvenorii. But it is better not to take medicine.

    2、 What are the benefits of momordica grosvenorii for pregnant women

    1. Moisten lung and stop cough

    When pregnant mothers cough during pregnancy, they are afraid of taking drugs indiscriminately. They are worried that drugs will affect the physical and mental health and growth of the fetus and baby. At this time, Momordica grosvenorii will show its skills! Can pregnant women eat siraitia grosvenorii? Of course, siraitia grosvenorii can be soaked in water and eaten as tea, but it is a cough and expectorant elixir handed down by our ancestors first. Mother to be will chop up one siraitia fruit, mix it with boiling water for 10 minutes, and eat it twice a day.

    2. Beauty and skin care

    Momordica grosvenorii has high vitamin C content and rich and colorful momordica grosvenorii glycosides, which can not only supplement trace elements, but also promote the digestion of blood sugar, without calorific value. It is the first choice of fresh fruit for beautiful women. Can pregnant women eat siraitia grosvenorii? Proper use of siraitia grosvenorii by expectant mothers is conducive to improving the skin problems during pregnancy, as well as maintaining body shape during pregnancy.

    3. Can reduce blood fat

    Momordica grosvenorii is very sweet. Can pregnant women with high blood sugar eat momordica grosvenorii? Yes, siraitia grosvenorii is sweet because it contains siraitin, which is 300 times sweeter than soft white sugar, but it is not easy to cause heat in the human body. Mothers to be eating momordica grosvenorii not only can reduce blood lipids, but also can prevent pregnancy obesity.

    4. Promote digestion

    Momordica grosvenorii contains rich and colorful vitamin C, which can promote digestion and reasonably treat constipation. During pregnancy, expectant mothers who have pregnancy constipation and are confused use momordica grosvenorii tea to eat, which can help to moisten the intestines and relieve constipation.

    5. Clearing heat, detoxifying and relieving summer heat

    Siraitia grosvenorii decoction is a famous heat clearing, detoxification and heat relieving drink in the south, which is often called Xiahuo tea. Momordica grosvenorii has a flat nature. In summer, expectant mothers are easy to catch fire or can't stand the heat. Proper consumption of Momordica grosvenorii tea is conducive to relieving heat, clearing heat and detoxifying body detoxification.

    3、 How do pregnant women eat siraitia grosvenorii

    1. Drink in water

    Momordica grosvenorii has the functions of clearing heat and moistening lung, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, promoting pharynx, moistening intestines and intestines. It is used to treat lung fire, cough, sore throat, aphonia, bowel dryness and constipation. Therefore, pregnant women can use it to soak in water, but because it is cold, it is not necessary to use it for a long time.

    2. Dried Cabbage, Siraith Fruit and Dragon Bone Soup


    400g pig bones, Chinese cabbage, siraitia grosvenorii, jujube, poria cocos, edible salt, 3 pieces of ginger and water are appropriate.


    1. Clean the pig bones and boil them in water to boil the blood.

    2. See a lot of bubbles boiled out, boil again for a while and then rinse with water.

    3. Soak the dried cabbage in cold water for 30 minutes before washing and reserving.

    4. Pour proper water into the casserole, put the pig bones and ginger slices reserved for cleaning into the water, and then open the fire. After boiling, pour dried cabbage, siraitia grosvenorii and other soup bottoms into a stone pot, boil and turn to simmer for 2 hours.

    5. Add some salt seasoning after cooking. Go to the special food picture library to see how to make dried cabbage, siraito and keel soup

    Function: For pregnant mothers, the work of moistening the lungs should not be ignored. In addition to the serious environmental pollution today, mothers should know how to clear the waste from the lungs and nourish the human body. However, if pregnant mothers can moisten the lungs, they can eat tonic at random. It is suitable to nourish and recuperate the lungs with soft nourishing soup.


    2024-05-24 15:02:51

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