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Honda 190x Jieji engine cover leaks oil

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Honda 190x Jieji engine cover leaks oil


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  • 2023-11-14 11:00:00

    The reasons for the oil leakage of Honda 190x Jieji engine cover are as follows:

    1. The problem of cylinder head cover oil leakage is mostly caused by the three reasons of cylinder head cover seal ring oil leakage, oil passage hole screw looseness, and the cylinder head cover body has sand holes. The best way to solve it is to replace one cylinder head cover.

    2. Generally, the cylinder head cover leaks oil, and the dealer is required to replace the engine. The probability of success is extremely low. Imagine that no matter the manufacturer or the dealer, who will replace the engine for the sake of a failure of an external part will choose to replace the cylinder head cover in terms of economy and workload.

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