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What are the practices of purple potato buns?

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What are the practices of purple potato buns?


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  • 2024-05-25 02:00:16

    In the season when purple potatoes come into the market, many people prefer to eat them, because the appearance and color of purple potatoes are purple. The most important thing is that the nutritional value of purple potatoes and their effect on the body are very good, which can strengthen the spleen and appetizers, and can also supplement nutrition. The most important thing is that the sugar content of purple potatoes is relatively small, which is helpful for weight loss. A common dish of purple potatoes is purple potato buns, The purple potato puree is needed. Fermented flour can be used when making it.

    Material Science

    250g flour, 200g purple potato paste, 15g 30 ℃ warm water, 2.5g yeast


    1. Melt the yeast completely with warm water, pour it into the flour, then pour the boiled purple potato paste, and mix the dough with your hands until it is smooth (smooth face, smooth hand, smooth basin);

    2. Put the dough in a basin, cover it with a damp cloth, and leave it in a warm place for 1-2 hours;

    3. Take out the dough fermented to twice the size, sprinkle dry flour on the cutting board, knead the dough, and empty the gas;

    4. Sprinkle dry flour on the cutting board. Twist the dough into long strips, and then divide them into small dosage pieces of about 50g each. Flatten the dosage pieces and roll them thin with a rolling pin (about 0.5cm thick);

    5. Wrap the surplus purple potato paste used for noodles into buns, about 30-50g each

    6. Put the prepared steamed stuffed buns in the steamer, keep a certain distance, cover the lid, wake up again for 10 minutes, then put the steamer on the steamer, open the fire for 10 minutes, and close the fire for 5 minutes.


    1. Don't use too much water to melt yeast, because purple potato mud is also needed;

    2. When purple potato paste is added into the flour, it should be added bit by bit. If it is poured in completely, it may be too wet. If it is too wet, it can be adjusted by adding some dry flour;

    3. Generally, when making steamed buns, the dough needs to be fermented twice as large, but it only needs to be made to 1.5 times the size of this rose, so that the shape of steamed buns in the later stage will not be too soft, swollen and deformed;

    4. Steamer cloth, gauze, zongye leaves, corn leaves can be used to pad steamed bread. I directly put a layer of oil on the steamer to prevent sticking;

    5. How to make noodles quickly: take a large pot, fill it with half of the pot of 60 ℃ hot water (slightly hot), put a steaming rack, put the dough in a large bowl, put the large bowl on the steaming rack, and then cover it. In about one hour, the noodles will be ready, about 1% of the original volume. 5 times larger. If you want to double the size, you can send it for another half an hour. This method is suitable for winter;

    6. Steamed buns must be allowed to stand for another 10 minutes before steaming, so the steamed buns are noisy. When steaming, keep the heat up, do not open the lid halfway, and simmer for 5 minutes before boiling.


    2024-05-25 02:00:16

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