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What are the effects and taboos of carnation scented tea?

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What are the effects and taboos of carnation scented tea?


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Carnation scented tea is also popular among many people because of its high health care efficacy and value. It can calm the liver and moisten the lungs, and can also have the effect of recuperating qi, blood, beauty and beauty. However, pregnant women cannot drink it to avoid miscarriage.

    1. The effect of carnation flower tea According to the Chinese Compendium of Materia Medica, carnation flower tea is slightly cool in nature, sweet in taste, enters the lung and kidney meridians, and has the effect of calming the liver, moistening the lung and nourishing the face. Modern medicine has proved that long-term drinking of scented tea has the effects of removing spots, moistening dryness, improving eyesight, detoxifying, beautifying skin, regulating endocrine, etc. It even has obvious effects on relieving headache and toothache.

    2. The nourishing effect of carnation scented tea For women, carnation scented tea has an irresistible temptation. Because carnations have the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, recuperating qi and blood, moisturizing hair, strengthening vitality, regulating endocrine, etc., they can meet the needs of women for whitening, slimming, anti-aging, detoxification, and clearing the heart and eliminating dryness. And women's endocrine regulation is good, the ovaries get enough nutrition, as well as the wonderful effect of breast enhancement.

    3. Although the drinking method of carnation scented tea may be just a small cup of carnation scented tea, it is also very particular about how to drink it. Learning how to drink, how to mix and when to drink is a science. You can get twice the result with half the effort and improve the efficiency of nourishing your body. Carnation scented tea is often drunk with other scented tea to complement and promote each other's functions. The common matching methods are forget me not, king of roses, violets and wintersweet flowers.

    4. The side effects of carnation scented tea are always beneficial and harmful. There is no junk food, only junk eating. Carnation scented tea is also taboo for some people. If pregnant women drink carnation tea, it will lead to miscarriage, and people with weak spleen and stomach and diarrhea will also have diarrhea. If you mix them randomly, they may offset each other's effects, or even produce toxic side effects. The choice of carnations is also related to the quality of carnation scented tea. The carnation scented tea for the night is not good for the stomach and intestines. It should be poured out and cannot be drunk.

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