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Introduction to the Practice of Stewed Sweet Potato

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Introduction to the Practice of Stewed Sweet Potato


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  • 2024-05-24 15:02:51

    Sweet potato hanging paste has always been one of the most popular home dishes. It not only has perfect color, fragrance, and practical operation is easy to learn, so it is loved by most families. However, many people realize that they are not aware that the practice of dried sweet potato starch is extremely effective. So today, we will introduce the practice of dried sweet potato starch and the effect of raw materials on the body in detail.

    Method 1

    Main materials: 500g sweet potatoes

    Seasoning: 150g white granulated sugar, 100g cold water, 30g sesame oil, 1000g edible oil

    Production process:

    (1) Clean and peel sweet potatoes and cut them into hob blocks.

    (2) When cooking oil is added to the spoon and burned to 90 ℃, the sweet potato pieces are put into the oil and fried until they are thoroughly cooked until they are orange in color. When they are picked up, they are used to control oil and replenish water.

    (3) Clean with a spoon, add cold water and white granulated sugar, boil sugar with warm fire, and change from big bubbles to small bubbles; When the sugar bubbles change from big bubbles to hot bubbles until they become thick and discolored, pour the fried sweet potatoes out of the spoon and turn the spoon, so that the sugar liquid is completely stained on the sweet potatoes; Pour it into a dish smeared with sesame oil. When serving, you should serve a bowl of clear water with it, so that you can eat it without touching your teeth.

    Taste characteristics: The melon pieces are symmetrical in size, golden in color, continuous in silking, sweet and delicious.

    Tip: If you want to make silk apples or banana apples, you need to wrap protein paste or water starch.

    Method 2

    Cooking raw materials

    Main materials: purple sweet potato (3 pieces), white sugar (2/3 cups), cold water (1/2 cup), lettuce (1 piece)

    Seasoning: oil (1 bowl)

    Cooking process

    1. The sweet potatoes are peeled and cut into hob blocks; Peel off the lettuce, clean and control the water, and spread it on the plate for standby.

    2. Boil a bowl of oil, put in sweet potato pieces, and deep fry them for 5 minutes on low fire until they can be pierced by wooden chopsticks. Remove the dried oil for standby.

    3. Bring 5 tablespoons of oil to a boil, pour 2/3 cups of sugar into it first, and stir fry gently until the sugar dissolves, showing a light yellow color.

    4. Pour in 1/2 cup of cold water and stir well. Open the fire and continue to mix until the sugar paddle bubbles.

    5. Sugar oars go through the whole process of forming big bubbles and shrinking bubbles, and are afraid of getting deep and suddenly forming big bubbles and becoming thick, so they can drag out thin strips.

    6. Pour in the sweet potato pieces and stir fry them twice. Let them be evenly wrapped with sugar paddles.

    7. Put the extracted sweet potato on the green vegetable leaf, and then take it while it is hot.

    Method 3

    1) Peel and clean the sweet potato, cut it into a hob and put it in a large basin; Get rid of the raw eggs, pour the egg white into the pot containing sweet potatoes, evenly sprinkle with dry starch and stir.

    (2) Pour a jin of oil into the frying pan, and when the oil is 7% mature, fry the sweet potatoes in the pan. When the sweet potato is fried, pick it up and drain the oil. Prepare a dish with a layer of hot pan and cold oil at the bottom of the bowl in advance to avoid sugar sticking to the bottom of the bowl.

    (3) Pour the leftover oil from the frying pan into another bowl, wash the pan, add a tablespoon of water, put white granulated sugar into the pan, stir it, add a bottle of hot pan cold oil (the purpose of oil supply is to make the dishes bright and the silk lasts longer), and boil sugar on low heat. The important point of this dish is to see whether the sugar is successfully boiled. When the sugar juice boils down, turn to a mild fire (note that you should stir the sugar juice with a spoon while boiling). When the sugar juice is scooped up to form a thin strip, put the fried sweet potatoes into the pot and stir them, and then put them into the dishes with the bottom of the bowl and the cold oil of the hot pot. When eating, prepare a small bowl of cold water in advance.

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