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How to stir fry oil tea noodles

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How to stir fry oil tea noodles


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    I believe many people like it, but most people don't pay attention to the practice of oil tea noodles, and they buy them outside. But in fact, if you pay more attention to understand some skills, you can also do it yourself.

    Approach I

    Preparation method:

    1. Put the flour into the pot, stir and fry it with low heat for about 10 minutes. When the flour turns yellow, it will be cooked. Take out the fine basket and put it back into the original pot.

    2. In another pot, add beef marrow oil. When the oil will smoke, immediately pour it into the cooked fried noodles and stir well. To be used.

    3. Stir the black and white sesame seeds with low heat to produce fragrance. Stir the walnut kernels until cooked and peeled. Chop them into fine particles. Pour them into the fried noodles together with the melon seeds, and they will become fried noodles with oil.

    Usage: When eating, divide the fried noodles into 10 bowls, mix them with boiling water to form a thick paste, and then put proper amount of sugar and sweet osmanthus juice on each bowl and mix them well. Features: This product is a Beijing snack with Hui flavor. It is made of cooked fried noodles mixed with beef marrow oil and boiled water. It is thick and paste, fine in texture, sweet with rich butter aroma, suitable for the elderly.

    Method 2:

    1. Put 3kg of clean water into the pot, boil it, put 10g of ginger, a raw onion (knotted), skim the water to remove the bubbles, remove the onion and ginger, and then put the pot end away from the fire for 10 minutes, and then stir the milled rice and glutinous rice flour into the water. Bring the pot to a boil over a high fire, and move it to a low fire to simmer and cook it into a tea oil paste.

    2. 500g of standard powder, 5g of salt, 3g of soda, 200g of water, mix well and knead well, stand for 1 hour, then rub into strips, brush with vegetable oil, and make the strips juicy. When the vegetable oil is heated to 70% of the oil temperature in the pot, the sweaty surface is pulled into 50g knots, pulled into a line as thin as hemp rope, and then curled into the oil pot to fry into the oil tea sanzi.

    3. After the vegetable oil is cooked in the pot, scoop it into the Chinese prickly ash granules and chili noodles respectively to make pepper oil and red oil. Stir fried sesame seeds and roll them into fine noodles. Chop turnips into fine pieces. Chop 15g ginger into powder.

    4. When eating, first put the eggs into a bowl and stir them up (one for each bowl), then scoop the oil tea paste into a bowl and mix it with the egg liquid, add salt, sesame flour, pepper oil, red oil, sesame oil, ginger powder, turnip grains and scallions, and put crushed sanzi on the surface of rape lake. Product features: salty, delicious and spicy, suitable for breakfast and supper, especially in winter.

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