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Fantasy Westward Journey Bubbles Why Hurry Up

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Fantasy Westward Journey Bubbles Why Hurry Up


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  • 2023-11-10 12:00:08

    Fantasy Westward Journey Bubble 4 Force 1 Endurance Point

    It is recommended to add 1 point of resistance and 4 points of strength, so that the bubble has a certain degree of defense, attack is also good, and it is also good to use it for tasks. Or you can also attack four times with one blood. Because the bubble itself has advanced defense, add more blood to increase the amount of blood (but it costs more than one resistance and four attacks, but it has more blood, so you can bear more when encountering magic monsters, because the increase of resistance only adds physical defense). The first addition method is recommended, because Bubble is an early pet, and the spell attack encountered is not strong, so it is OK to add durability.

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