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Is Beiqi an astragalus? Introduction to the difference between Beiqi and Huangqi

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Is Beiqi an astragalus? Introduction to the difference between Beiqi and Huangqi


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  • 2024-05-21 22:01:43

    1、 Is Beiqi an astragalus

    Beiqi is one of the astragalus. It is named after its origin, mainly to distinguish it from the astragalus in the south. Because the varieties of astragalus produced in the north are better and hotter, we named it Beiqi. Therefore, Astragalus is the correct name, while Beiqi is only named after the place of origin. It should be noted that Beiqi here is different from Zhengbeiqi. Beiqi refers to the astragalus grown in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and other northern regions, while Zhengbeiqi refers to the astragalus grown in Hunyuan region of Shanxi Province. It is a national three-level protected plant. It is a very rare plant, and its nutritional value is higher than that of Beiqi.

    2、 Difference

    1. Different origins: Beiqi mainly refers to the astragalus produced in the north, such as those produced in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi. The origin of astragalus is mostly in the south. Generally, when doctors prescribe, they will use the name of Beiqi to distinguish it from that of other places of origin.

    2. The efficacy is different: the efficacy of astragalus membranaceus growing in the south is less different from that of astragalus membranaceus, but it is not as warm as that of astragalus membranaceus, and is more suitable for use in the south. Generally, in health care or treatment, most of the astragalus used are raw astragalus, that is, dried astragalus slices, which can be used to make soup, soak in water, etc.

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