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What is the practice of deboned chicken feet

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What is the practice of deboned chicken feet


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  • 2024-05-24 23:01:46

    Now there are many people buying chicken feet in the sales market, like some pickled chicken feet and spicy chicken feet. Although the chicken feet don't have too much meat, they taste very good and chewy. What we eat is the taste of chicken feet, but many people feel that the chicken feet on the market have improved a lot of additives in order to increase the storage time, so it is not as good as making some deboned chicken feet by ourselves. Let's explain what the deboned chicken feet are.

    Step 1: Select raw materials The selection of raw materials is the prerequisite for the bone extraction of stewed chicken feet. The quality of raw materials is immediately related to the appearance of finished products and the quality of dishes. According to practical experience, it is most appropriate to use white and plump chicken feet, but it is best not to use chicken feet that are small or have blood spots; The local chicken (i.e. the firewood chicken fed by farmers) cannot be used because of its dull color and thin body. When using meat chicken feet, try to ensure that the size is consistent, and it is better to use a large one (the small one is not easy to get bone).

    Step 2: Soaking and soaking the chicken feet has a fishy smell. If you want to reduce or eliminate it, you need to soak the chicken feet. However, it is important to use a fruit knife to remove a small piece of yellowish cocoon scar on the palm of the chicken feet and remove the remaining yellowish "coat" on the chicken feet during the whole process of soaking. After the chicken feet are soaked, the solution of blistering shall be carried out. When soaking, it is better to soak it in cold water with appropriate ginger, garlic, rice wine (or 10% wine) for 3~4 hours, which can not only remove the odor, but also make the deboned chicken feet more crisp and white.

    Step 3: Grasping the advantages and disadvantages of stewing and stewing is important to determine whether the bone is perfect and the appearance is perfect. First, put the soaked chicken feet into the boiling water pot for a short time (to remove the fishy smell and residue), and then put them into the cold water pot. Add some rice wine, scallions, ginger slices, and first boil them with high heat, then turn to a gentle fire, so that the water in the pot remains slightly boiling. Add a lid and simmer them for about 10 minutes. When the chicken feet are bright, round, and broken, remove them immediately. During stewing, pay attention to the following:

    1. When boiling chicken feet, water should not be too little, and it is better to swallow raw materials.

    2. When stewing, do not use fire to boil fiercely, or you may stew chicken feet thoroughly.

    3. In addition, during the whole process of stewing and boiling, it is not allowed to stir with a spoon or other stoves, or it will break some positions of the chicken feet, which will affect the beauty of the braised chicken feet.

    Step 4: Quickly cool the stewed air claw. Let it cool immediately. It is important to make the stewed chicken claw brittle and very easy to break bones. The dryness cannot be ignored. This step is often carelessly solved during the operation, which leads to the imperfection of breaking bones. When cooling, it is best to use flowing cold water to wash while soaking, which can not only make the chicken claw turn cold suddenly, The material is soft and hard. In addition, it can clean the oil stains on the chicken feet and make them more and more white. If a basin is used for cooling water, the defect is that the temperature of calcium and magnesium ions in the basin will rapidly rise to dozens of degrees when the high-temperature chicken claw is put into the water, which will affect the actual effect of refrigeration.


    2024-05-24 23:01:46

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