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The best time to have breakfast every day

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The best time to have breakfast every day


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  • 2024-05-24 23:01:46

    If we want to have a healthy body, we must have a regular lifestyle. We must eat three meals every day. But many friends do not eat breakfast every day because of work or natural environment factors. In fact, that is not very good. We must not only eat breakfast every day but also eat breakfast well, If we eat scientifically, what time range should we eat breakfast in?

    The best time for breakfast is 7:00. In the morning, the sun gradually rises, and the human body gradually wakes up. At about 7 o'clock in the morning, the digestive tract has already been fully awake, and the digestive tract has begun to operate. At this time, eating breakfast is the most efficient way to digest and absorb the nutrients of food ingredients. The breakfast with the highest score should contain at least three kinds of food materials: cereal food, such as fresh noodles; Animal food materials, such as meat food, egg food, dairy products, etc; There are also vegetables, fruits and fresh fruits that contain vitamin C and can supplement dietary fiber. If one or two more dried fruits are added, it will be even more extreme.

    Breakfast should be soft rather than hard. In the morning, the liver of the body is exhausted and unsalable, which often makes people lose their appetite, especially the elderly. Therefore, breakfast is not suitable for deep frying, deep frying, drying and other stimulating ingredients, or it is easy to cause indigestion. For breakfast, it is advisable to eat moist, hot and soft food materials that are easy to digest and absorb, such as milk, bean paddles, fresh noodles, clutter, etc. It is better to eat some porridge. If you can add some health food such as lotus seed, jujube, Huai yam, dried longan, job's tears, etc. to the porridge, the actual effect will be better.

    More breakfast is better than less breakfast. The kinetic energy taken from breakfast should account for 25%~30% of the total kinetic energy in 24 hours. Generally, 70% of the total kinetic energy can be eaten. Too much diet will increase the digestion and absorption pressure of the gastrointestinal tract. In the long run, the digestion and absorption will be reduced, and the gastrointestinal tract will be blocked, resulting in digestive diseases. In addition, many food residues are stored in the intestines and dissolved by bacteria in the intestines. The protein dissolved in them can enter the body's blood through the intestinal cavity, which is harmful to the body and very prone to vascular diseases.

    The content of breakfast was important. Five kinds of food materials should be selected for breakfast: food materials containing protein, such as raw eggs, milk, marinated beef, bean paste, etc; Ingredients containing vitamin C, such as juice, vegetables, fruits, fresh fruits, etc; Meals containing carbohydrate compounds, such as toast, steamed buns, Huajuan steamed buns, etc; Liquid ingredients containing water, such as millet porridge, milk, bean pulp, fruit juice, etc; Ingredients for invigorating the spleen and appetizing the appetite, such as tomato juice, small sauce products, etc. Conversely, it is not suitable to use fried foods such as steamed buns, fried dough sticks, fried cakes and steamed buns for breakfast.

    In the above article, we introduced the necessity of breakfast in detail. If you want to have a healthy life, you must eat breakfast every day, and you must eat breakfast every day. You can't be careless. Above we explained the best time to eat breakfast every day.


    2024-05-24 23:01:46

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