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How to eat dried red dates

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How to eat dried red dates


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Many women have heard that "Eating three dates a day will never make you look old". Eating dates often can help women's bodies to take better care of themselves. It has very good effects on beauty, beauty, qi and blood. Taking dates often can help people take better care of themselves without any side effects. However, we must grasp the way to eat dry red dates to show all the nutrients, Let's master how to eat dry red dates.

    How to eat dried red dates

    1. Soak jujube in water to protect liver and expel toxin

    The attitude of red jujube determines its height. The jujube pericarp is tough and hard to digest. If the whole fruit is mixed, it is difficult to mix its ingredients completely, so it is best to peel it off and mix it again.

    It should also be noted that fresh red dates are not suitable for mixing or frying. This is because its vitamin C content is very high, boiling with boiling water will destroy vitamin C.

    The height of red dates depends on their attitude

    2. Boil tea with red dates to nourish qi and blood and protect throat

    It can cure stomach coldness and stomachache.

    If you put dried longans in it again, it will be a tea for tonifying qi and blood. It is suitable for teachers, shop assistants and other people who use their throats more frequently.

    3. Boil the soup with red dates to moisten the lungs and stop coughing

    Yu Shen of the Tang Dynasty wrote "Must Effect Recipe", which describes that red dates, white fungus and old rock sugar can be used together to make soup to moisten the lungs and stop coughing.

    Raw materials: 20g white fungus (about half), 20 red dates, 60g old rock sugar (can be added or reduced according to the taste of each person).

    How to do it: put the white fungus in cold water, open it, pinch off the stem, break it into a small piece, put it into the pot together with the jujube and the old rock candy, put 6 bowls of water, boil it in the fire, change it to a slow fire, and then boil it for half an hour to stop the fire.

    4. Red jujube porridge helps sleep

    In traditional Chinese medicine, women have symptoms such as restlessness, restlessness, and restlessness, and can recuperate with appropriate lilies, lotus seeds, and red dates. If it is boiled with millet, it can give full play to the effect of red jujube to calm nerves and help sleep as soon as possible.

    5. Soak red dates in medicinal wine, smooth blood vessels

    In the whole process of jujube soaking, organic compounds containing nutrients are more easily mixed in wine. It has certain practical effect on maintaining smooth blood vessels.

    In the whole process of jujube soaking, organic compounds containing nutrients are more easily mixed in wine. It has certain practical effect on maintaining smooth blood vessels

    The above is a detailed introduction to the eating methods of dried red dates. According to our knowledge, there are many kinds of eating methods of dried red dates. For example, they can be used to cook porridge or brew medicinal wine, which can show stronger nutritional ingredients, so that we can carry out stronger recuperation for the human body, but we must take them frequently to have stronger practical effects.

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