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Stewed Chicken with White Radish

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Stewed Chicken with White Radish


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  • 2024-05-25 08:00:00

    Radish is a very good vegetable and fruit. Radish and chicken. It is a very good match. Radish can invigorate the spleen and appetizer, and the way to produce fluid and quench thirst is also very simple. When we have nothing to do at home, it is very, very easy for our relatives to do it. Many people like it. People of all ages love it. It is suitable for people of all ages. It is simple, healthy, delicious and delicious. Let's see how simple it is. And can not fill the human body.

    Raw materials: a Chaiji (1kg up and down), a radish (more if you like), condiments: salt, rice wine, a piece of ginger, and a piece of green onion. Methods: 1: Chaiji sheds hair or internal organs, and cleans blood; Peel and clean the radish, and cut the hob block. 2: Boil a pot of water, add a small amount of onion, ginger and rice wine, put the chicken into it and boil for 3 minutes to remove the blood, pick it up and wash it. 3: Put sufficient water in the soup pot, add the remaining green onion, ginger and rice wine, boil on high heat, turn to low heat for 15 minutes, and then turn to slow heat for 1 hour. Add turnip and cook again for 1 hour, then add salt seasoning. Ps: 1. There are many methods. If you like, you can cut the chicken into a small piece or a whole chicken together. If there are few people, you can use a whole chicken or reduce the use of materials as appropriate. 2. Some are boiled with cooking oil, some are plain stewed, and some are made with raw soya sauce or other condiments. I don't know whether Xiao Bian wants to eat porridge or make dishes. It's better to do it according to his favorite orientation. 3. If you want to make soup, you don't need to put water on the way, which will weaken the taste. If you like, add scallions. Raw materials: 1/4 Chaiji, 300g turnip, 30g ginger, 1 green root, 600 water, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon brewed in wine. Chop a small piece of Chaiji, boil it in boiling water for 1 minute, and then pick it up for reservation. 2 Peel and cut the radish with a hob, blanch it in boiling water for 1 minute, pick it up and reserve it. 3 Peel and slice ginger; Cut into green strips and reserve. 4 Put all the food, water and condiments in practices 1-3 into the electronic device pot, press and hold the "cook" button, and cook until the power switch jumps.

    Nowadays, people's work pressure is too high, and their daily life is very irregular. They often stay up late and eat irregularly, which is very easy to lead to human health

    Nutritional elements are lacking. White radish stewed chicken is a good tonic, and the chicken breast does not grow fat after eating. You need not worry about pursuing beautiful women. You can do it at home on Sundays, not only to get delicious, but also to get physical and mental health, perfect.


    2024-05-25 08:00:00

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