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What should be done with the silky water chestnut?

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What should be done with the silky water chestnut?


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Water chestnut is a kind of crop in the south, but we often regard it as a kind of fruit, mainly because of its sour and sweet taste. Generally, winter is the season when water chestnut comes into the market, so many people will choose to eat some in this season. So what is the practice of filamentary water chestnut?

    The main ingredients for drawing horseshoe: 400g horseshoe, 80g soft white sugar, 2g cooked black sesame, 100g starch, 500g salad oil (100g actual consumption).

    Preparation method: 1. Peel the horseshoe, soak it in clean water for 10 minutes, blanch it, and roll the starch evenly.

    2. Heat 70% of the oil in the pan, add the water chestnut covered with starch, and fry until golden yellow.

    3. In another pot, add salad oil and soft white sugar, boil over the high fire until big bubbles appear, and then boil off the fire until small bubbles appear. When the sugar turns a little yellow and brown, put in the fried horseshoes, stir fry them evenly, sprinkle black sesame seeds, and pour them into a plate lined with white sugar.


    2024-05-24 17:05:49

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