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One punch Superman Game Time Limited SSR Top Ranking

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One punch Superman Game Time Limited SSR Top Ranking


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  • 2023-11-14 05:00:12

    1. Janos Armed Forces

    This is a top level character with a whole output. The output character, Jenos, must be ranked first. It has an effect of one output of two whole characters. It is a top level character with blood pressure. The damage is very explosive.

    2. Tornado

    Tornado is the best choice for all the heroes with the highest damage, such as wounded flow, critical hit flow and push chart, but PK is vulnerable to combat power.

    3. King of the Deep Sea

    The most powerful core skill, all Liuke stars, direct counter injury in high battle is at the fixed point of second C, and the person with residual blood in the big move can be said to be a powerful member.


    2023-11-14 05:00:12

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