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Practice of Poria Cocos Cake

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Practice of Poria Cocos Cake


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Poria Cocos Cake is the favorite of many people. It has a different taste and has many changes in taste. Poria Cocos Cake is a Beijing specialty. This kind of food is concerned by many people, so what about the way of making Coix Seed Cake? It's not very complicated in making. We can easily make it at home, Make it delicious.

    Many people don't know the method of coix seed cake very well, so before making it, they need to have a comprehensive understanding of its method, so that they can understand how to make it best.

    Method of coix seed cake:

    Raw materials: 200g glutinous rice flour, 200g coix seed.

    Auxiliary material: 100g white sugar.


    Grind coix seed into fine powder, add rice paste, white granulated sugar and water properly, adjust it into paste, and then spread and bake it into corn cakes in a pan with low heat.

    Usage: It can be eaten often or with food.

    Health tips:

    Effect: invigorate spleen, stomach and liver, nourish yin and blood. It is applicable to palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, mental failure, insomnia, edema, loose stools, etc. caused by deficiency of qi and weakness of body.

    Note: Coix tears are sweet and light, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, neutralize, nourish yin and blood, promote dampness and remove moisture. It has been the top grade of food therapy and health care since ancient times.

    The method of coix seed cake:

    Raw materials: 15g coix seed, 200g wheat flour, 3g yeast powder, 3g hair powder, 20g white granulated sugar, suitable for various nuts, 200g cold water.


    1. Flour Coix lachryma jobi seed, mix it with flour, baking powder and sugar, and sift it.

    2. Mix yeast powder with cold water and let it stand for 10 minutes, pour it into 1 medium, and mix it into a thick paste.

    3. Put the paste in a warm place and mellow it to twice the size. The temperature is about 40 minutes.

    4. Take a larger utensil, smear oil on the bottom and around, pour in the mellow flour paste, sprinkle some nuts on the top, steam for 25 minutes after boiling the water in the frying pan.

    According to the above detailed introduction, we also have a good grasp of the method of coix seed cake, so when we make it delicious, it can be developed according to the above method, and the above poria cocos cake is also very easy to choose. Such food materials contain more protein, sugar, and water, which is conducive to the healthy development trend of the body.

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