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Product Scenario Definition

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Product Scenario Definition


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  • 2023-11-14 11:00:00

    The product scenario is to create a scenario imagination for the target user to bring a strong sense of substitution. Then form interactive experience with brands or products, get brand positioning and value, and finally complete the process of consumer behavior.

    Realization method of product scenario:

    1. User insight, clear product or brand positioning

    As far as the user "portrait" is concerned, the enterprise must have a careful insight into the user's needs and study the user's lifestyle and values. Then analyze the consumer's lifestyle and consumption behavior. Realistically reproduce the consumer's life scene, and at the same time embed the product into the scene to complete the business purpose.

    2. Scene association, focusing on user experience

    For a product, scene association can be carried out according to the product function, audience identity, and use occasions. Different scenarios are designed according to different directions, so that users can get a simple and clear picture of the scenarios in which I can meet my needs after purchasing the product.

    In addition, the created scene should have experience value, and pay attention to user experience to leave unforgettable deep impression and memory for users.

    3. Guided transaction

    The purpose of the enterprise to build the scene is to let consumers have the desire to consume in the process of experience, so as to achieve the goal of marketing.  


    2023-11-14 11:00:00

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