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Is Xinyang Sixth Vocational High School a junior high school

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Is Xinyang Sixth Vocational High School a junior high school


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  • 2023-08-05 17:00:00

    Xinyang Sixth Vocational High School is not a junior high school, but a comprehensive secondary vocational school in Pingqiao District that integrates vocational education, adult education, teacher training and labor export training. In 2005, the school was recognized as "Key Secondary Vocational School in Henan Province" and "Key Vocational Education Center at County Level in Henan Province" by the Provincial Department of Education, and in March 2007, it was recognized as a national key secondary vocational school by the Ministry of Education. In 2008, Pingqiao Vocational Education Group was established with six vocational high schools as the leading schools. The school is a key financial support school for the vocational education program at all levels, and its school scale, teaching staff and employment work rank among the city's advanced.


    2023-08-05 17:00:00

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