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Why are electric cars so expensive

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Why are electric cars so expensive


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  • 2024-05-22 15:01:46

    Nowadays, as the main force of new energy vehicles, electric vehicles have been widely accepted; However, the price of electric vehicles at the same level is far higher than that of fuel vehicles at the same level, which is unacceptable to many people. So why are electric cars so expensive? The main reason why electric vehicles are expensive is that the cost of batteries and their key components is high, and electric vehicles have many advantages. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the price of new energy electric vehicles will naturally be higher. The electric vehicle mainly starts the motor with the battery template, converts the electric energy into kinetic energy, does not cause exhaust emissions, and has made great contributions to environmental protection. The country also vigorously supports electric vehicles in an all-round way; Secondly, the maintenance cost of electric vehicles is relatively low. Regular maintenance of batteries and motors can complete vehicle maintenance, which saves a lot of money. In addition, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles have more outstanding acceleration ability and economy; However, because the current technology is not very mature, the cost of electric vehicles is high, and the natural price will also be higher.

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