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Underground Castle 3: City of Truth lineup recommendation - City of Truth lineup play strategy

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Underground Castle 3: City of Truth lineup recommendation - City of Truth lineup play strategy


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  • 2024-05-28 18:02:16

    What is the recommended lineup of the underground castle 3 City of Truth? It is believed that many kids are not clear. Today we have brought you the tactics of the City of Truth lineup. Those who are interested in it, please come and have a look.

    Underground Castle 3 City of Truth lineup recommendation


    The front row apostles, devout people, source messengers

    The back row goes directly to the inheritors of morning light, the song of eternal hope and flame abuse


    1. First of all, we should do a good job in the position of the lineup and arrange the front and rear rows.

    2. Try to upgrade the Soul Link to Level 120, and use Sannai to support it. At this time, you will be blinded by whispering. When you hit the BOSS on the 50th floor, you can change the position, and fire method and Yongwang will play in turn.

    3. At the 30th floor, as long as there is output, it is not very difficult. BOSS monomer damage is easy to use the nurse to return blood.

    4. In the BOSS on the 50th floor, there is a group attack effect. The front row is as fleshy as possible, and the wet nurse returns blood, with C output.

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