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The efficacy and function of lotus. Can lotus be eaten

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The efficacy and function of lotus. Can lotus be eaten


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  • 2024-05-21 22:01:43

    1、 Efficacy and function

    1. Supplement nutrition: The lotus seed from the lotus flower is a precious food. It contains more nutrients, which can nourish and supplement the body.

    2. Dispelling blood stasis and stopping bleeding: it can play the role of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, and has a good effect on injuries caused by bruises. Fresh lotus can be used, and the effect is relatively obvious.

    3. Heat clearing and detoxification: The leaves of lotus flower can have the effects of heat clearing, dampness clearing, heat clearing and detoxification, help to expel toxins from the body, and is good for health. It can also clean the intestines and stomach, and help to expel fat, so as to achieve the effect of weight loss.

    4. Beauty: Lotus can also beautify and nourish the skin, which is good for the skin, and can make the skin shiny and nourish the skin.

    5. Nourishing the heart and kidney: Lotus seeds have many effects. They can also nourish the heart and kidney, which is good for the heart and kidney.

    2、 Can you eat

    In addition to its medicinal effects, lotus can also be eaten. Its lotus seeds, lotus roots, leaves and petals can be eaten, but they are eaten in different ways and widely. The general population can eat almost all of them, but patients with skin itching diseases and eye congestion should not eat them. Eating them may cause physical discomfort.


    2024-05-21 22:01:43

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