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What to eat to relieve constipation in women

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What to eat to relieve constipation in women


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    I think we all have this feeling. If we want to defecate, we can't do it. In some cases, we have to work very hard to get rid of it. In some cases, when we excrete, we will continue to feel pain. The excrement is piecemeal, which is why constipation cannot be pulled out and blocks the anus. Many women will bear the pain of constipation. If women are constipated, what will have a very good catharsis effect? Let's get to know~

    1. Sweet potato

    Clean and cut sweet potato into small pieces after peeling off its skin. Put the cut sweet potato into the boiling pot, add a small amount of water, just before reaching the surface of the sweet potato, boil it. Boil sweet potatoes and pour into milk to boil. Put in proper white granulated sugar and stir it.

    Note: This method has a very practical effect on frequent constipation and stubborn constipation.

    2. Agaric

    Auricularia is rich in nutrients. Apart from helping to replenish qi and blood, it can also help to treat constipation. It is slippery in nature and has the function of promoting digestion. It can have a very good effect on people with blood gas deficiency and constipation.

    When making agaric, it is relatively simple. If you buy dried agaric, soak it in water for many hours, and then fry the agaric with vegetables, lettuce, broccoli, etc.

    3. Chinese cabbage

    Cabbage is high in water content, rich in nutrients, and cold in characteristics. It has the hand of slipping and purging, which is suitable for improving constipation.

    We eat a lot of cabbage in winter. It is suggested that we can eat the dishes with mild taste. If you like to eat cabbage in restaurants, but it is greasy and tastes heavy, you can eat it after a bowl of cold water.

    4. Pure honey

    Pure honey is rich in vitamins, minerals and fruit enzymes. Fruit enzymes can help the body digest and absorb, digest and absorb, and improve basic metabolism. Constipation, a cup of honey and lemonade!

    There are many poor quality pure honey on the market now, so you should be careful when you buy it. And pure honey does not necessarily need to make tea when it is eaten. It is also possible to immediately use a clean spoon to scoop it into the mouth.

    5. Dried fruit

    The dried fruit contains rich vitamin b2 and E, a linolenic acid, which can increase the bifidobacteria content in the stomach and intestines, and together with the green plant methyl cellulose, it can affect gastrointestinal activities, and then has the effect of promoting digestion and curing constipation.

    6. Apple

    Clean the apple and take one with skin every day to avoid constipation. Take 4-5 with skin every day to adjust stubborn constipation. Take 1~2 on an empty stomach every morning and evening to adjust habitual constipation.

    7. Banana apple

    The banana apple (ripe banana) contains a lot of water-soluble fiber materials, which can cause hyperosmotic gastrointestinal fluid metabolism, and then absorb the water to a solid state, so that the excreta become loose and easy to discharge.


    2024-05-24 17:05:49

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