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The computer will restart after running for more than ten minutes

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The computer will restart after running for more than ten minutes


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  • 2023-11-10 12:00:08

    Causes and solutions:

    1. Cause before power-off: playing games, watching videos, or operating large programs, or using the computer for a long time, which is very difficult. You should have some patience to wait for the computer to slowly recover, click each page on the computer to slowly recover, and then power off or do other operations after the computer returns to normal. If you still can't, just press the On/Off key to shut down

    2. Always shut down and restart: try to uninstall all the software, drivers, patches, etc. downloaded before the accident. If the uninstalled software is invalid or you don't know what has been installed, restore the system from soft to hard. I still can't reinstall the operating system

    3. If the problem cannot be solved, reinstall the operating system from soft to hard

    4. Whether there are problems with hardware, such as hard disk and memory, and whether the temperature of CPU and other hardware is high. If it is caused by hardware problems, after-sales service is recommended.

    The computer will restart after running for more than ten minutes

    This is because the heat dissipation of the computer is not enough. If the CPU temperature is too high, it will automatically restart protectively. It needs to be overhauled and cleaned, and a better fan needs to be replaced.

    The computer will restart after running for more than ten minutes

    1. There may be incompatibilities between systems or programs. Press F8 when starting up, and the advanced option appears when you let go. Select "Last Correct Configuration" and press Enter to repair. If you still cannot press F8 to enter the safe mode to restore the system or reinstall the system.

    2. The CPU or other hardware temperature is too high, the memory and graphics card are incompatible or caused by failure.

    3. The hard disk has bad tracks. Please use the functions or software provided by the system to repair the disk, or format the hard disk and reinstall the system.


    2023-11-10 12:00:08

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