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What are the correct ways to eat sea cucumber

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What are the correct ways to eat sea cucumber


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    In order to make the human body more nourishing and healthy, we must adjust the food mix. Speaking of Haisan, we firmly believe that many people are not unfamiliar with it. It is a better nourishing and health care product. Taking it often can help us to improve the immune ability of the human body. It can also have a very good effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the yang for men. However, sea cucumber can be eaten in a variety of ways, We can better present the fresh and nutritious ingredients of sea cucumbers only by mastering good practices. Let's master the proper eating methods of sea cucumbers together.

    What is the proper way to eat sea cucumber

    1. "Cold dishes": cut the sea cucumber into "slices or pieces" of convenient passage, mix with some soy sauce and other seasonings, and add your favorite hot pot side dishes. (Do not take it with vinegar. Food is not good.)

    2. "Eat porridge": boil the porridge well, cut the sea cucumber into pieces, sprinkle the sea cucumber pieces on the porridge after the porridge is hot and wet, and put a small amount of pure honey into the porridge (research shows that pure honey is conducive to the digestion and absorption of sea cucumber) before taking it.

    This method is suitable for elderly patients, pregnant women, etc

    3. "Juice machine": use the juice machine to crush Haisan and its favorite vegetables and fruits with pure honey.

    How does the bubble open?

    Whether Haisan can be launched is important. How good the hair is. The meat tastes tender, soft and malleable. It's delicious; Poor hair will affect the quality and taste.

    1. Take clean utensils without oil stains, soak them in cold water without cross sea water invasion, put them into the refrigerator at 1-5 ℃ for 1-2 days, and change the water in the fish tank every 8 hours until they are soft;

    2. After soaking, cut the sea cucumber along the center line of the abdomen from the tail to the head, clean the residue in the belly of the sea cucumber, and cut off the reference nozzle;

    3. Put sea cucumber into a clean and oil-free pot, add proper amount of cold water, turn to mild fire after the fire, and boil for another 20 minutes. After the fire stops, let it cool thoroughly. Pick up the soft sea cucumber, leave the hard sea cucumber in the pot, change the cold water again, and cook again until all are soft;

    4. Clean the oil-free container and fill it with cold water, and put the boiled sea cucumber into it. Then place it in the refrigerator of the refrigerator and soak it for another 1-2 days. Change the water in the fish tank once a day and soak it.

    The above is a detailed introduction to the proper eating methods of sea cucumbers. According to our knowledge, sea cucumbers, whether mixed with cold dishes or boiled in soup, are very delicious and nutritious. However, when taking sea cucumbers, we should pay special attention to soaking them early. Besides, sea cucumbers are very nourishing and healthy food, so children do not need to take them.

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