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Harm of stewing chicken soup with carrots

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Harm of stewing chicken soup with carrots


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  • 2024-05-25 08:00:00

    Carrot stewed chicken soup is a world delicacy stewed with carrots and chicken breast meat as raw materials. Carrots are grown all over China and contain rich and colorful carotene, vitamins and various mineral elements, while chicken breast meat contains vitamin C E and other nutrients can promote the growth and development of tissues and cells. In addition, because the high-quality protein in chicken breast is rich and colorful, it is not easy to get fat, and it is delicious, so it is loved by everyone.

    Suitable for groups: because carrot stewed chicken soup can improve the body's immune ability, reduce the blood sugar content in the body, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and promote the growth and development of bones, it is suitable for people with three high blood pressure, digestive tract dyspepsia, constipation and other groups to take it. Moderate use of carrot stewed chicken soup for children also has a very good nourishing effect.

    Taboo groups: not yet. How to make vermicelli stewed with carrots in chicken soup 6 Raw materials for stewed chicken soup with carrots and mushrooms: a whole chicken, a carrot, a proper amount of Xianggu, salt, and three pieces of ginger.


    1. Carrot cleaning, peeling and cutting hob blocks, Xianggu feet cleaning.

    2. Blanch the chicken with black pepper to remove the blood, put 0.5 liter of water into the sand bowl, and pour the carrot and Xianggu together into the sand bowl and a few drops of vinegar.

    3. After boiling, turn to simmer for an hour (carrots can be rotten). Add ginger slices and a little salt.

    The lignocellulose contained in carrots can enhance the role of macrophages in the body, and promote the production of cellular immunity, so as to achieve the actual effect of enhancing immunity. In addition, the high-quality protein in chicken breast meat can also provide material conditions for all normal growth and development of human body cells. Common immune enhancing ingredients: milk, deep-sea fish, broccoli, garlic, red grapefruit, etc.

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