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What are the procedures for quick-frozen shrimps with green beans?

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What are the procedures for quick-frozen shrimps with green beans?


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  • 2024-05-24 17:05:49

    Compared with other types of meat, the main advantage of fresh shrimp is that it has very little fat. So even people who are losing weight can still eat fresh shrimp with peace of mind. It is worth mentioning that fresh shrimp is rich in magnesium, so eating it is good for the heart. Eating fresh shrimp is a good way to maintain the endocrine system. Today's special food is shrimp with green beans, It is a delicious specialty food. The actual practice is as follows.

    Frozen shrimp with green peas:

    Method 1

    1. Unfreeze the quick frozen shrimps, remove the mud intestines and wash them;

    The taste and taste of naturally frozen shrimps are not as good as fresh lobsters.

    It is undoubtedly more effective to use fresh shrimp;

    2. Add rice wine to the fresh shrimp to marinate for a while, and a small amount of oil can be dropped in;

    3. Bring it to a boil in the pot, put ginger slices into the pot for explosion, and pour green peas into the pot for quick stir frying;

    Then pour in fresh shrimps, add salt and sugar, cover and stew for a while;

    Finally, thin the sauce mix and start the pot.


    Note: The shrimp must be fried at a fast speed, and the fresh shrimp is very easy to age if the time is a little longer.

    Method 2

    Raw materials: 400g fresh shrimp, 75g green peas, 1 raw egg, 1 small pepper, and appropriate cassava starch.

    Seasonings: 30g vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 2 teaspoons rice wine, 1 teaspoon table salt, 1/2 teaspoon chicken essence.


    1. Clean and dry the fresh shrimp, add egg white and salt, stir them, and then add cassava starch.

    2. Clean and cut small peppers into rings.

    3. Fill the pan with oil, heat it to 60%, pour in fresh shrimp and home cooked dishes, and remove them.

    4. Bring a small amount of oil into the pot again, boil it, pour green peas and stir fry it, then pour fresh shrimps, peppers, chicken essence and rice wine and stir fry them, and pour sesame oil on them before leaving the pot.

    Characteristics: The shrimp is smooth and tastes light.

    One thing for the chef: when desizing fresh shrimp (i.e. method 1), the slurry need not be too thick, but a thin layer can be used, otherwise the taste will be affected.

    Shrimp with green beans

    raw material

    Fresh shrimp: 300g, 200g green peas, 60g egg white, 3g salt, 2g chicken essence, 2g rice wine, 30g edible oil, 10g cassava starch, 1g sesame oil


    1. Remove the shell and head of shrimp. Grab a small amount of salt, egg white and cassava starch, mix in the same direction for 2 minutes, and place for 10 minutes.

    2. Heat the oil in a hot pot until it is six minutes hot. Pour in fresh shrimps and home cooked dishes and remove them; Add green peas and stir fry them, then add fresh shrimp, chicken essence and wine and stir fry them with high fire for 2 or 3 minutes. Pour sesame oil on them before cooking.

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