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Which is bigger, Zhengzhou East Railway Station or Beijing West Railway Station

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Which is bigger, Zhengzhou East Railway Station or Beijing West Railway Station


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  • 2023-08-23 05:00:00

    Zhengzhou East Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station are larger than Zhengzhou East Railway Station.

    The total construction area of Zhengzhou East Station is 412000 square meters, the total construction area of the station building is about 150000 square meters, the total investment is 9.47 billion yuan, and the size of the parking lot is 16 sets and 32 lines

    Beijing West Railway Station covers an area of 510000 square meters, with a building area of 170000 square meters. The skyscraper in the station building is 90 meters high, and there are 10 platforms in the "pin" shaped station.

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