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Ranking of difficulty of 6 swimming styles

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Ranking of difficulty of 6 swimming styles


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  • 2023-11-14 10:00:00

    First place: butterfly stroke.

    The range of motion of the four swimming styles is the largest, and every part of the body needs to work hard. I am tired after a few practices.

    Second place: backstroke.

    Backstroke is very difficult to swim freely without choking water. For beginners, choking water in backstroke training is a nightmare hell.

    Third place: freestyle.

    For newcomers, the falling and choking during breathing, the struggling and floating after breathing, the pain of kicking, and the helplessness and discomfort of hand and foot cooperation are simply maddening.

    Fourth: Breaststroke.

    Kicking is really tiring. For athletes, breaststroke is one of the four swimming styles that is easier.

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