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Is Wei Chunyu famous in Hunan

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Is Wei Chunyu famous in Hunan


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  • 2023-08-05 15:00:00

    Wei Chunyu, Chairman of Hunan Design Artists Association, member of "China Association for the Promotion of Democracy", Dean and Professor of School of Architecture, Hunan University Doctoral Candidate of Southeast University Member of the Professional Steering Committee of Architectural Discipline of National Colleges and Universities Member of the Professional Committee of Educational Architecture of the Architectural Branch of the Architectural Society of China Member of the Professional Committee of Green Architecture of the Architectural Society of China Council of the Interior Design Branch of the Architectural Society of China Council of the Architectural History Branch of the Architectural Society of China Member of the Architectural Society of China Interior Design Consultant of Hunan Professional Committee of the Institute of Design, Vice Chairman of Hunan Civil Architecture Association, Vice Chairman of Hunan Provincial Institute of Architects, Director of Hunan Urban and Rural Planning Association, Director of Hunan Provincial Building Management Science Research Association, Expert Database of Hunan Provincial Department of Architecture, Member of the Second Academician Expert Advisory Committee of Hunan Province, Chief Editor of New Architecture Magazine Design Artist Editorial board member of Chinese and Foreign Architecture Magazine Editorial board member of Journal of Hunan University Editorial board member of Chinese Architecture Education Magazine!!!!!

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