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China Guodian (basic details of China Guodian)

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China Guodian (basic details of China Guodian)


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  • 2024-06-06 14:01:35

    1. China Guodian Corporation (English: China Guodian Corporation), approved by the State Council, is a comprehensive large power group and a deputy ministerial level large central enterprise mainly engaged in power generation, which was established on December 29, 2002 on the basis of some enterprises and institutions of the former State Power Corporation.

    2. China Guodian Corporation is mainly engaged in the development, investment, construction, operation and management of power sources, and the organization of power (heat) production and sales; Engaged in investment, construction, operation and management related to coal, power generation facilities, new energy, transportation, high-tech, environmental protection industry, technical services, information consulting and other power businesses; Engaged in domestic and foreign investment and financing business, independently carried out foreign trade circulation operation, international cooperation, foreign project contracting, foreign labor service cooperation and other businesses.

    3. In 2010, the company was selected as one of the world's top 500 enterprises, and in 2014, its ranking among the world's top 500 enterprises rose significantly to 297.

    4. In August 2016, Guodian Corporation of China merged with Shenhua Group Co., Ltd. and reorganized into National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. on August 28, 2017 with the approval of the State Council.

    5. On August 28, 2018, China Shenhua and Guodian Power both announced that the group merger delivery conditions agreed by the National Energy Investment Group and China Guodian Group in the merger agreement had been fully met, and the merger of the two groups was finally settled.

    The basic details of Guodian in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to you.


    2024-06-06 14:01:35

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