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Proba5 satellite (introduction to Proba5 satellite)

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Proba5 satellite (introduction to Proba5 satellite)


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  • 2024-06-17 03:01:36

    1. The Proba series of exploration satellites are known as "small", and their volume is no more than 1 cubic meter, but they have the "ambition" to compete with large satellites.

    2. For example, the purpose of Proba5 satellite is to monitor the growth of plants on the earth.

    3. To this end, engineers and technicians need to reduce the camera equipment it carries by 10 times, replace the glass lens with a more portable aluminum lens, and combine the original three independent telescopes into one.

    The brief introduction of Proba5 satellite in this article is over, and I hope it will be helpful to you.


    2024-06-17 03:01:36

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