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What's the reason for dry lips? No matter what department you use to drink water (what's the reason for dry lips)

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What's the reason for dry lips? No matter what department you use to drink water (what's the reason for dry lips)


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  • 2024-06-13 21:00:00

    1、 What causes dry lips

    In fact, there are many reasons for chapped lips, which vary from place to place and from person to person, and there is often more than one reason for chapped lips. So many people still feel chapped lips after drinking a lot of water, which just proves that the body is not short of water.

    1. Climate factors

    Climatic factors generally mean that in windy areas, because the wind is strong, it is easy to volatilize, and lips are easy to dry. Many old people often have such a sentence in their mouth. This is the case when the seasons change. Because most of China has a monsoon climate, the wind will be obvious when the seasons change, which will cause many people to have dry lips.

    2. Physiological factors

    Some people drink a lot of water after their lips are dry, and can obviously feel the symptoms relieved. This may be a signal of water shortage in the body. However, it is also possible that the lack of certain nutritional factors in the body, such as vitamins, may also cause dry mouth, but drinking plenty of water will not greatly improve.

    3. Bad habits

    There is a kind of "tongue licking dermatitis" in medicine, which refers to a vicious circle. In the early period of menstruation, after the lips were dry for other reasons, some people subconsciously licked the lips with their tongue, making the lips dry and licking more and more, thus forming such a bad habit.

    2、 How to deal with dry lips

    When we are thirsty, we usually have to find out why. The above mentioned reasons for dry lips can be easily solved. If not, you may suffer from some diseases with dry mouth. You should see a doctor in time. Generally, we can easily think of three strategies to deal with the above three situations:

    1. Climate factors are uncontrollable by human factors, but they can't be prevented and avoided. It is helpful to take some preventive measures in advance according to the climate of the city where you live. Lip protection before season change is like preparing clothes for season change in advance.

    2. From the perspective of physiological factors, people usually need to drink more water. After all, water is the source of life. If you don't know what kind of vitamin you lack, you can eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement. And it doesn't matter if you know what you lack. You can supplement or take some vitamin pills.

    3. For your bad habit, "tongue licking dermatitis" must be changed. It is not good for the body, but also affects the beauty. You should absolutely restrain yourself from forming a vicious circle. Once you find your lips dry, try other solutions. Don't lick them.

    3、 What's wrong with peeling lips

    There are many similarities between lip peeling and dry lips, but there are also some differences. Compared with dry lips, lip peeling is more likely to attract people's attention because it affects their beauty. So what about lip peeling?

    Dry and cracked lips can cause lip peeling. This is usually caused by dry weather, lack of water or certain vitamins. At the beginning, these reasons may only lead to dry and cracked lips, but due to the lack of timely measures to protect and repair, the lips eventually turned from dry and cracked to peeling. Therefore, we must pay special attention to ourselves in life, even the smallest aspects can not be ignored.

    Unlike dry lips, lip peeling is likely to be caused by allergies. Lipitis may be rarely heard of, but it does not mean that we can ignore its existence. Compared with other exposed organs, lips are fragile and easy to cause allergy, so special attention should be paid.

    Of course, there are also cases of heat accumulation in the spleen and stomach. In this case, it is often because the diet is too stimulating or greasy, and the spleen and stomach are uncomfortable, which shows the phenomenon of lip peeling.

    4、 Methods for preventing dry lips

    The prevention and treatment of dry and cracked lips is mainly from the perspective of our diet and daily habits. In fact, many diseases originate from small details in our daily life, and can also end up in some small bad habits. The more you don't care, the more you get used to it. Instead, it becomes a key link.

    1. Edible method

    To prevent dry and cracked lips, we should increase the intake of vegetables and fruits every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have balanced nutrition. And many vegetables and fruits are rich in water. You can supplement vitamins and water to effectively prevent dry lips. In addition, it should be noted that there are many oranges on the market in winter, so you should use a moderate amount, otherwise it may be easy to catch fire.

    2. Daily habits

    After replenishing enough water every day, you can consider wearing a mask in winter or when the monsoon is strong to avoid external irritation and various allergens. The bad habit of licking your lips and biting your lips must be changed. As mentioned earlier, lip licking will eventually lead to a vicious circle, which will lead to what is called "tongue licking dermatitis" in medicine. What about lip biting? Biting lips is easy to damage the skin of the lips, which is also a bad habit.

    In addition, we should learn to maintain our lips in our daily life. It is very appropriate to apply some natural, colorless and tasteless lipstick on our lips. For some particularly sensitive people, if they dare not use lipstick, they can also apply a little honey or sesame oil to moisten them when they rest at home.

    5、 How to protect your lips?

    We have been talking about how to deal with dry lips. In fact, we should take care of our lips every day to deal with possible threats to our lips. What are the main ways to protect your lips? Let's take a look at these things!

    1. Dry peeling

    The skin on the lips is very thin. If the lips become dry again, they will be easily burned by ultraviolet radiation, which will cause peeling. Lipstick rich in vitamin E is the first choice of high-quality lipstick, which can achieve a very good moisturizing effect.

    2. The lips are dull

    For women who make up for a long time, special attention should be paid. When removing your makeup, you must remove your lip makeup. If you do not remove your makeup, you may suffer from the so-called "lipstick disease". The color of the lips will be dull. In addition, long-term exposure to the sun in summer is also likely to cause the color of the lips to become dull.

    3. Chapped lips

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