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How to cancel the PC POST (what to do if the PC fails to pass the POST, and how to cancel the POST)

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How to cancel the PC POST (what to do if the PC fails to pass the POST, and how to cancel the POST)


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  • 2024-06-13 18:00:00

    1. First, enter the system desktop normally, find the "This Computer" icon, and double-click it.

    2. Open the computer, find the self checking partition, and click the right mouse button to select properties.

    3. Pop up the dialog box, and then switch to the tool category in the label.

    4. Click "Check" to query the disk drive errors.

    5. Then click "Scan Drive" in the pop-up setting panel to confirm the check.

    6. After waiting for the system tool to check the disk, restart the computer, and there will be no automatic check.

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