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What is the pattern pinyin? (Whether the pattern is mu or mo)

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What is the pattern pinyin? (Whether the pattern is mu or mo)


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  • 2024-06-16 03:00:00

    1. The pinyin of "Xiang" is mu, and the syllable is two tones, meaning to describe a person's appearance or way of wearing. The Drama of Queqiao Immortal Celebrating the Eighty Anniversary of the People at the Dinner said by Xin Qiji, a poet of the Song Dynasty: "Don't paint more, just like a birthday star."

    2. The word "model" is a polyphonic word. When reading "m", it can be grouped into words: model, imitation, model, etc.

    3. When pronounced "m", words can be grouped as follows: the same, such as model, template, mold, etc.


    2024-06-16 03:00:00

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