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The color of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty (basic details about the color of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty)

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The color of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty (basic details about the color of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty)


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  • 2024-06-06 06:01:36

    1. Tang Tri Color Glazed Ceramics, a treasure of ancient Chinese ceramic firing technology, is a kind of low-temperature glazed pottery popular in the Tang Dynasty. The glaze color has yellow, green, white, brown, blue, black and other colors, and mainly yellow, green, and white, so people are accustomed to call it "Tang Tri Color".

    2. As the earliest and most of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty was unearthed in Luoyang, it is also known as "Luoyang tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty".

    3. During the construction of Luoyang section of Longhai Railway in 1905, a number of Tang Dynasty tombs were found in Beimang Mountain, the ancient capital of Luoyang. Later, people used to call this kind of pottery "three colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty", and it has been used up to now and is famous at home and abroad.

    The basic details of the colors of Tang Sancai are explained in this article, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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