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How to cook porridge with raw oatmeal (how to eat raw oatmeal)

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How to cook porridge with raw oatmeal (how to eat raw oatmeal)


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  • 2024-06-13 15:01:37

    1. The most common way to make raw oatmeal is to make oatmeal porridge for breakfast: first, fill a small pot with enough water (such as 500ML), boil the water, then add oatmeal (such as 25g), mix it well, and then keep it boiling for 10-15 minutes with a low fire. When eating, you can pour the other boiled milk together.

    2. Raw oatmeal can also be made into oatmeal. First, prepare some oats, an egg and some green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach and lettuce can be cut into pieces); Then boil a bowl of cold water, add oats after boiling water, and keep stirring until the oats gradually thicken; Slowly inject the egg liquid and continue to stir in one direction; When the porridge is boiled again, put in the cut vegetables and continue to stir; Season with a little salt, chicken essence, pepper and a few drops of sesame oil.

    3. In addition, cereal can also be used to replace some rice. For example, when making red bean porridge, oatmeal, red beans and rice can be put into a pressure cooker at 1:1:1, and it can be eaten in about ten minutes. When cooking rice, add 10-20% cereal to make rice with special flavor, which can be eaten often.

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