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Flamingo fish (basic details about Flamingo fish)

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Flamingo fish (basic details about Flamingo fish)


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  • 2024-06-28 19:00:51

    1. Flamingo fish, tropical fish, scientific name of fish: Cichlasoma citrinellum, also known as Shouxingtou, Shouxingyu, originated in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and other places in Central America, belongs to Cichlasoma corydalis, 20-30cm long, similar to goldfish.

    2. The head is big, and there is an obvious round sarcoma above the head, which is unusual.

    3. The body color is pink, the body color of the young fish is gray and black, and the adult fish becomes fiery red. The body color is changeable, sometimes the body color is orange or yellow.

    4. The feeding water temperature is 22-28 ℃, and the bait includes fish worms, water earthworms, small live fish, etc.

    5. The breeding water temperature is 27-29 ℃, the water quality is weak acid soft water, the parent fish is sexually mature for 6-8 months, the male fish has a large head sarcoma, the body color is bright red like fire, and the female fish has a light body color. Each time, 200-500 eggs are laid, and the nest is made of smooth rocks or marble slabs.

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