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Hai'an Cocoon Silk (basic details about Hai'an Cocoon Silk)

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Hai'an Cocoon Silk (basic details about Hai'an Cocoon Silk)


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Favorable reply
  • 2024-07-01 23:00:52

    1. Hai'an, the "hometown of Chinese cocoons and silk", is a shining pearl on the Jianghai Plain.

    2. The advantageous geographical location, convenient transportation, beautiful environment, pleasant climate and preferential policies have brought good opportunities for the rapid development of Hai'an cocoon and silk industry.

    3. The whole county has formed a one-stop production and management system from seed production, mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, cocoon drying, silk reeling, silk spinning, silk weaving, refining, printing and dyeing, and clothing production.


    2024-07-01 23:00:52

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