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What is the cause of bleeding after the husband and wife are in the same room? What examinations should be done (what is the cause of bleeding after the husband and wife are in the same room)

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What is the cause of bleeding after the husband and wife are in the same room? What examinations should be done (what is the cause of bleeding after the husband and wife are in the same room)


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  • 2024-06-13 17:00:00

    Harmonious sex life contributes to the harmony of husband and wife relationship. However, some disharmonious factors will always affect the harmony of sexual life. For example, bleeding after the husband and wife share the same room will make both husband and wife worried and make female friends afraid of sexual life. So, what is the bleeding after the husband and wife have the same room? how

    There are many reasons for bleeding in the same room, which can be roughly divided into two categories: improper sexual intercourse and local organic diseases of the female reproductive system. If there is bleeding in the same room, you should go to the hospital to check in time, so that cervical cancer can be found and treated as soon as possible, and you should pay attention to your personal hygiene and sexual partners, and relax in daily life.

    There are many gynecological diseases that cause bleeding in the same room, such as cervical polyps, cervical erosion, submucous myoma of uterus, leucorrhea, senile vaginitis, cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, etc. Cervical erosion and cervical polyps are the manifestations of chronic cervicitis. Cervical polyps are caused by the stimulation of chronic cervicitis, which are formed by the local hyperplasia of cervical canal mucosa and gradually protrude outward. Its surface is covered with a layer of columnar epithelium, rich in microvessels, and easy to bleed when touched. Cervical erosion is also caused by long-term inflammatory stimulation, which causes the squamous epithelium on the surface of the cervix to fall off, and the falling surface is gradually covered by columnar epithelium from the hyperplasia of the cervical tube. The columnar epithelium is very thin, and there are blood vessels and stroma underneath, so it is easy to bleed during sexual intercourse.

    Women with submucous hysteromyoma, especially women with cervical protrusion, will have sexual bleeding due to the mucosal surface prone to ulcers and infections. Women who use ring contraception sometimes have bleeding during sexual intercourse. This is because the intrauterine contraceptive ring is a foreign body in the uterine cavity, and its mechanical compression can lead to local damage, necrosis, ulcer of the endometrium, with the possibility of bleeding. In this case, the stimulation of the roommate will cause bleeding. The early manifestation of cervical cancer can also have abdominal bleeding, which is why we should pay attention to abdominal bleeding.

    There is no obvious change in the cervix of patients with early cervical cancer, or cancer and cervical erosion may exist at the same time. Cervical cancer is easy to bleed after touching, which is mostly caused by invasion of interstitial blood vessels by cervical cancer tissue. Postmenopausal women are prone to senile vaginitis due to the lack of estrogen. At this time, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, and two people who are in the same room may also damage the vaginal mucosa, causing bleeding.


    2024-06-13 17:00:00

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