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Pearlescence (basic details of pearlescence)

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Pearlescence (basic details of pearlescence)


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  • 2024-06-09 09:01:35

    1. Pearlescence is produced by parallel arrangement of fine sheets with high refractive index.

    2. These tiny sheets are transparent, and can only reflect part of the incident light, transmit and transmit the residual light to the bottom of the tiny sheets. The tiny sheets arranged in such a parallel way can reflect the light at the same time, producing pearlescence.

    3. Cosmetics factories generally use pearlite film to produce pearlite paste.

    4. Then it is added to cosmetics to produce pearly effect.

    5. It can also be directly added with pearlite to produce pearlescent effect.


    2024-06-09 09:01:35

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