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Wuhan Polytechnic Post Bar (basic details about Wuhan Polytechnic Post Bar)

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Wuhan Polytechnic Post Bar (basic details about Wuhan Polytechnic Post Bar)


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  • 2024-06-29 16:01:35

    1. The forum of Wuhan Polytechnic is the official student BBS/forum of Wuhan Polytechnic.

    2. It is called the Armed Forces Forum for short.

    3. Founded in 2010, its founder is Wang Tianding, the Grade 09 e-commerce major of Business School of Wuhan Vocational and Technical College.

    4. Belongs to the One Network.

    5. It is now one of the well-known forums of many universities in Wuhan.

    6. The forum of Wuhan Vocational and Technical College is the official forum of the school. It is the campus network platform with the highest popularity, large platform and many users, and can obtain rich campus information and students' interaction.


    2024-06-29 16:01:35

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