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Yueyang Ship (About the basic details of Yueyang Ship)

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Yueyang Ship (About the basic details of Yueyang Ship)


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  • 2024-06-05 19:02:27

    1. Yueyang Ship is a 054A multi-purpose missile frigate developed, designed and produced by our country. It is a new generation of main combat ship of the Navy, with its hull number 575.

    2. It can attack enemy surface ships and submarines alone or in cooperation with other forces of the Navy. Yueyang Ship has strong long-range warning and air defense capabilities, and is a new generation of main combat ships of our Navy.

    The basic details of the Yueyang Ship in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-05 19:02:27

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